Liam entered foster care at age 13. Due to the national shortage of foster families, Liam landed in a group home, where he was ruthlessly bullied. At age 16, he ran away, hoping to find relatives, but ended up sleeping in bus stations and shelters. He was truly on his own.
But Liam found hope just in time.
One of the social workers in the shelter asked him if he wanted to be part of her family. Today, Liam is a sophomore at Arizona State University, pursuing a degree in criminal justice.
At the Center for the Rights of Abused Children, we’re working to help teens like Liam find safe and loving homes. Important changes include finding extended family, relatives, and kin for children when they enter care, and increasing the number of safe foster homes. Ensuring every child has an attorney also expedites their safe passage to family before the clock runs out on their childhoods.

With your generous support, we can help thousands of youth who age out of foster care build bright futures.