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2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
Facts & Briefs
Learn more about life-saving work that has helped more than 500,000 abused children across America.
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Darcy Olsen featured on PBS News Weekend discussing new law aimed at reducing aging out of foster care
Darcy Olsen featured on PBS News Weekend discussing new law aimed at reducing aging out of foster care
 This new initiative is projected to reduce aging out of foster care by 30 percent.
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Lerner & Rowe Gives Back Awards $20,000 to the Center for the Rights of Abused Children Pro Bono Children’s Law Clinic
Lerner & Rowe Gives Back Awards $20,000 to the Center for the Rights of Abused Children Pro Bono Children’s Law Clinic
Lerner & Rowe Gives Back has granted $20,000 to support children served by the Center for the Rights of Abused [...]
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Darcy Olsen Named Arizona’s Best Non-Profit Leader at Best of  Capitol Awards Ceremony
Darcy Olsen Named Arizona’s Best Non-Profit Leader at Best of Capitol Awards Ceremony
At the Arizona Capitol Times’ Best of the Capitol awards ceremony this evening, Darcy Olsen, founder and CEO of the [...]
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New Arizona Law Will Significantly Reduce the Number of Children Aging Out of State Foster Care; Serves as a National Model
New Arizona Law Will Significantly Reduce the Number of Children Aging Out of State Foster Care; Serves as a National Model
Phoenix, Ariz. – Yesterday, the Arizona legislature passed a measure, brought by the Center for the Rights of Abused Children, [...]
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Missing and Trafficked Toolkit
Missing and Trafficked Toolkit
Facts & Briefs
We are driven to ensure the safety of the tens of thousands of children who go missing from foster care [...]
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