Daniel & Darla
Daniel and Darla have a strong bond that’s common among siblings who’ve survived abuse. Fortunately, the Center for the Rights of Abused Children has found a way to make sure they grow up together.
The system often separates siblings from each other.
Unfortunately, when siblings are removed from birth parents for their own safety, they’re often sent to different foster families. That’s what happened to Daniel and Darla. Daniel struggled so much that his new family reluctantly relocated him to a therapeutic foster home. Though it was supposed to be a temporary move to get him the help he needed, Daniel was still there a year later.
Our work is shaping new court rules to make sure foster care is a temporary safe haven for kids on their way to lasting families.
The Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s pro bono Children’s Law Clinic worked to reunite Daniel and Darla. Now, Daniel is at home with his sister and his forever family, ready to be adopted this summer.
*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

Siblings need to stay together and be placed in safe, loving homes. Your support helps do that.