A happy first grader, Isabel loves to practice writing her ABCs and has just discovered the magic of the Tooth Fairy. Four years earlier, Isabel’s life was on a much different path.
There are 675,000 abused and neglected children who need our help.
Isabel was born to a mother with significant mental health issues that left her unable to care for a child. When Isabel was found by authorities, she was two years old and near death from malnourishment. Isabel was also covered in scabies, a painful condition caused by tiny mites that burrow under the skin.
We’ve secured a change in laws, so that child protection agencies must now document their search for relatives within 30 days of the child entering foster care.
Thanks to the Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s efforts, Isabel was quickly placed with relatives who nursed her back to health. Our pro bono Children’s Law Clinic then expedited her adoption to keep Isabel in a safe, healthy, loving home.
*Details modified to protect the child’s identity.

Because of generous donors like you, we can fight every single day to protect the rights of abused children and find them stable, permanent homes.