Maggie entered foster care at age 3, bouncing from placement to placement and school to school. During kindergarten and first grade alone, she changed schools four times. By third grade, Maggie couldn’t read and was routinely expelled from school.
Today, her passion for fiction might astonish the teachers who saw Maggie’s early struggles with reading. Thanks to intense special education services and the stability she gained through adoption, she’s now approaching junior high on grade level.
Research shows children in foster care have worse educational outcomes than any peer group measured, including children who are homeless. Roughly half of children in foster care require special education services.
We’re working to make sure children in foster care succeed. We have helped children learn more in school by reducing the number of times they change schools. We have helped students in foster care by opening the door to more immediate special education assessments and supports. And we’re working to make sure all children in foster care have attorneys to enforce their rights.
“Children in foster care face tremendous obstacles that negatively impact their educational performance,” said Darcy Olsen, CEO of the Center for the Rights of Abused Children. “Updated laws give them greater stability in their education and help them succeed now and throughout life.”

Your support helps establish stability and supports to keep more children in foster care on the graduation path.