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Let’s help abandoned and abused kids – Washington Times
Let’s help abandoned and abused kids – Washington Times
In 1988, Republican President Ronald Reagan and a Democratic-controlled Congress united to establish May as the nation’s first National Foster Care [...]
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States with Right to Counsel for Children
States with Right to Counsel for Children
Facts & Briefs
We believe every child deserves a safe and loving home. When asked by lawmakers across the country for the single [...]
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You can bring a child in from the cold – consider foster care
You can bring a child in from the cold – consider foster care
If a little kid showed up at your door looking hungry and cold, would you let them in? Absolutely! You’d [...]
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The Permanency Project Helps More Children Find a Safe and Loving Home
The Permanency Project Helps More Children Find a Safe and Loving Home
Facts & BriefsNewsroom
Nationally, over 90% of children in foster care leave the child welfare system via reunification with biological parents, guardianship, kinship [...]
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Model Executive Order Protecting Benefits for Children in Foster Care
Model Executive Order Protecting Benefits for Children in Foster Care
Phoenix, Ariz – Center for the Rights of Abused Children Releases a Model Executive Order Protecting Social Security, Disability, and [...]
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Model executive order to stop states from taking youth benefits
Model executive order to stop states from taking youth benefits
Model Reforms
An order prohibiting the state department of child safety (department) from taking rightful federal benefits away from a child in [...]
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