
Get the latest updates, access digital trainings and read expert insights from the Center for the Rights of Abused Children on the issues impacting our nation’s abused children.
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2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
Facts & Briefs
Learn more about life-saving work that has helped more than 500,000 abused children across America.
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Missing and Trafficked Toolkit
Missing and Trafficked Toolkit
Facts & Briefs
We are driven to ensure the safety of the tens of thousands of children who go missing from foster care [...]
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States with Right to Counsel for Children
States with Right to Counsel for Children
Facts & Briefs
We believe every child deserves a safe and loving home. When asked by lawmakers across the country for the single [...]
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The Permanency Project Helps More Children Find a Safe and Loving Home
The Permanency Project Helps More Children Find a Safe and Loving Home
Facts & BriefsNewsroom
Nationally, over 90% of children in foster care leave the child welfare system via reunification with biological parents, guardianship, kinship [...]
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Enforcement of Foster Youth Bill of Rights
Enforcement of Foster Youth Bill of Rights
Facts & BriefsModel ReformsNewsroom
February 29, 2024 – The Center for the Rights of Abused Children releases a toolkit aimed at enforcing the rights [...]
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Center to U.S. Supreme Court: Protect Every Child from School Abuse
Center to U.S. Supreme Court: Protect Every Child from School Abuse
Facts & BriefsMore ResourcesNewsroom
Center to U.S. Supreme Court: Protect Every Child from School Abuse The Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s Practice [...]
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