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Get the latest updates and read expert insights from the Center for the Rights of Abused Children on the issues impacting our nation’s abused children.

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Center to US Supreme Court: Protect Every Child From School Abuse

Wednesday Mar 20th, 2024

The Center for the Rights of Abused Children’s Practice Manual encourages attorneys to assert the constitutional rights of children in foster care, including safety, family integrity, emotional security, timely permanency, and educational rights.

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Webinar: Client-Directed Counsel for Children in Foster Care

Tuesday Feb 27th, 2024

March 8, 2024 - Join VP of Policy, Kendall Seal for a discussion on the ten states that have passed client-directed counsel for all children

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Webinar: Legislative Preview 2024

Monday Dec 4th, 2023

Join us 01/17/24: We are advancing numerous bills across America to ensure every abused and neglected child has a safe and loving home.

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Webinar: Preservation of Youth Benefits

Tuesday Nov 21st, 2023

Join us 12/13/23: Join Darcy Olsen, David Lujan, , Anne Ronan, Drew Shaffer, Director, The William E. Morris Institute for Justice and more for a robust discussion on the passage and implementation of the first comprehensive state law in the nation to protect foster children’s social security, disability, and veteran survivor benefits!

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Webinar: Rescuing Missing and Trafficked Children

Wednesday Oct 25th, 2023

Join us 11/08/23: Join us on zoom to learn more about the reforms we’ve helped advance including such basic requirements as mandatory searches for missing children.

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Resources for a Foster Child

Thursday Jun 3rd, 2021

Learn from two non-profit organizations working to meet basic needs and resources for children in foster care.

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Understanding Arizonas Law Giving an Attorney to Every Foster Child

Understanding Arizona’s Law Giving an Attorney to Every Foster Child

Wednesday May 12th, 2021

Learn what this new law means for Arizona's children in foster care.

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