Letter from the CEO
Welcome to our Annual Report, a showcase of our achievements, progress, and commitment to excellence throughout the year.
If you walk away with just one fact today, let it be this:
The generosity of friends like you helped 54,000 abused and neglected children in 2023.
- Children like 14-year-old Anna, who will receive her federal veteran survivor benefits to use for future opportunities like college. With our help, Arizona became the first state in the nation to ensure that children in foster care – like all other American children – will receive their federal social security, disability, or veteran survivor benefits.
- Children like sixteen-year-old Sophia who went missing from her group home and was brought to safety thanks to dedicated local police. With our help, Missouri implemented a comprehensive reform requiring an immediate search and find when a child goes missing from care. The prior year, federal investigators discovered that nearly 1,000 Missouri children had disappeared from the foster care system, and many were never searched for or found.
- Siblings like 3-year-old Macy and 4-year-old Max, who now are guaranteed the right to stay together, thanks to the passage of a powerful new law in Kansas. This law codifies the right of abused and neglected children to live with their siblings and to live with family and kin whenever possible.
Those are just three of the critical protections that we helped create and operationalize in 2023.